Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Return to BKK

14hrs flying, 3-night stay, a few massages, dinners, (work of course), and 14hrs return. Fastest work trip ever! Here's a look at our great colleagues from Asia Pacific!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

12 months old

Carolina Lola turns 1!! ohhhhh it just flew by! Full of many wonderful memories and absolutely the best year of our lives! I remember so well the day you were born and us holding you for the first time and I look at you now and just can't believe what a big girl you are growing into. What absolute joy you have brought to this world!! And just in time for your 1st birthday- you started to grow a tooth and are walking (a bit ;-) You can make it from the couch to the T.V. You weigh 21 lbs 8oz and are 29 inches tall. You call for Mama and Papa all the time and can say Hola (sounds like oh ah). You follow me around the house all- the- time and love to play in the kitchen with the tupperware and any bottles or cans you can find. You love giving kisses and now when we're out with your friends, love playing with everyone. You enjoyed a fun trip to Berlin to see Daddy run a marathon and loved being strolled around the big city. Our little adventurer! We love you. Have loved every single day with you this first year of your life. And we can't wait for all the wonderful memories you continue to bring to our lives! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Berlin Marathon 2013

Off for a weekend adventure to Berlin! Perfect fall weather and a perfect day for a Marathon. Atleast to watch =)
she was pretty content being strolled around the big city- such the adventurer!
Sunday's Marathon- Go Ricky Go! He finished in 3hrs 20min!!
The Kuehne Nagel guys
C's 2nd Marathon with Daddy (5 weeks old on the 1st, 11 mo here)
Beautiful Berlin in the Autumn

Monday, October 14, 2013

11 months old

This monthly picture tested my skills. Wheweee what a go-getter. I have shots of you from every angle with every sort of face and mood (more of those later....). In 11 short months, your sweet and independant personality is shining thru. Daddy says your just like me- isn't he sweet =). You sometimes will lay on the floor beside me and give kisses like no tomorrow. Other times you want nothing to do with any of it and like to push us away with your hands. When I give you the phone, you'll put it to your ear and start talking. You can stand so well on your own, push your little walker all over the house and even took your first 1-2 steps. It doesn't seem there's much interest yet to go further. You're still a champion sleeper and those naps are even getting longer. You love to snack on spanish baguettes, it'll keep you entertained for hours. You weigh 21 pounds, are 29 inches tall and 100% adorable. We love you to pieces. Just quit growing so quickly!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bangkok or Bust

Welcome back! Not yet full time and easing into my duties slowly....

I'm the biggest fan of Asia Pacific- so you can bet I was eager to plan this week of work. Last time I was here, I could combine it with a nice weekend island getaway. However with this being my first full week away from the little one, I was a bit sceptical to stay away too long. Good call. I was happy to get back home to the family and a day off before and after the work week was just enough to enjoy the city, a few massages and some yummy thai food. Plus- I'm back again in 3 weeks for another go!
taking off from Finland
Teambuilding event: Thai Cooking Class
Our yummy creations
Asia Pacific Green Belt Class
off to the Lady Boy show!
Quick stop to the weekend market
                                                and a quick 7 dollar/1hr foot massage! can´t beat it!!
Heading to the hotel in our Tuk Tuk

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Anthems for the Lost Generation

Love Division presents their new album, "Anthems for the Lost Generation", and yea! I got to be there!! Blood, sweat and tears- this guy works his head off and how nice it is to see all the hard work pay off with a big turnout in Sala de Sol. So proud! Albums are now available for sale! I'll be mailing out albums to the US crowd in November- so message me for your copy! =)