Friday, July 18, 2008

out of a suitcase....

I know I´m one to take things for granted.... But as I finally wrap up my summer training sessions, I feel very lucky to be given these opportunities with my work. Now if I can just remind myself this again on Monday morning. =) Here are a few of my stops from the past weeks.....

Copenhagen- back to the motherland
Marseille- South of France
Paris- w/ quick stops at Notre Dame, the Louvre, Moulin Rouge windmills, and Eifel Tower

Casablanca- sunset view of the Mosque


Jeremy and Lacy said...

Oh my gosh, you do have an amazing job that you get to travel so many wonderful places! I love all of your pictures and really enjoy checking your blog to see where you have been!

Summershea said...

Lee Ann,

Thank you for your comment today. I have been busy, but I really hit the ground running today as it was my first offical day. I enjoy checking your site periodically to travel the world through your pictures. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your travels. Safe traveling.
