Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thoughts from the Copthorne hotel.

I woke up the other morning from a bad dream. I was in the hotel lobby in a panic b/c I had a pocket full of room keys and couldn't remember the room number. This is pretty much the past weeks in a nut shell. I know my blogs have been a bit "random" these days. 1 day Tennessee, the next Qingdao?? Not sure i even knew where that was before this trip. But none the less, it's been a heckuva trip! I'm exactly 1 month in and exactly 1 month to go.

So what am i doing? One theory is i'm a few months away from my 30th! So perhaps it's a feeling of seeing the world before then. =) Actually though, the job i took 10 months ago ended up being the jackpot! I'm 1 of 4 consultants in our company who has been tasked with implementing Process Improvement in our organization. This means lots of workshops, trainings, and guiding others in our organization to think a bit differently about what they do in their jobs. We're doing this globally, thus the reason for the hop scotch across the map. I love it. I'm meeting such interesting people, trying out foods I would have never considered, and seeing parts of the world that aren't typically on top of the "to-do" list. and when I return in April, it slows down quite alot. So now is my time and i'm taking advantage of it. For you never know how long the door will be open.

Having said that- I am quite tired, sometimes not sure where I am when I wake up, and feel that i'm sometimes running on full speed when others around are walking around. I miss my friends, my family, my Ricky, and my little Addie who is now talking more than I do!

And......I crave sweet tea.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I bet you are quite made me tired just reading about it. I think it's great that you are able to take advantage of the opportunity that you have and see the world! It's amazing that you have been all of the places you've been and your not even 30 yet! I cant believe that we are 30...I feel so much the same yet OLD. When I see the high school kids around here they look so young! Enjoy the rest of your time traveling. I know you will be ready for some R+R when it is all over!