Monday, October 14, 2013

11 months old

This monthly picture tested my skills. Wheweee what a go-getter. I have shots of you from every angle with every sort of face and mood (more of those later....). In 11 short months, your sweet and independant personality is shining thru. Daddy says your just like me- isn't he sweet =). You sometimes will lay on the floor beside me and give kisses like no tomorrow. Other times you want nothing to do with any of it and like to push us away with your hands. When I give you the phone, you'll put it to your ear and start talking. You can stand so well on your own, push your little walker all over the house and even took your first 1-2 steps. It doesn't seem there's much interest yet to go further. You're still a champion sleeper and those naps are even getting longer. You love to snack on spanish baguettes, it'll keep you entertained for hours. You weigh 21 pounds, are 29 inches tall and 100% adorable. We love you to pieces. Just quit growing so quickly!!

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