Tuesday, August 13, 2013

9 Months Old

The month you grew up. We left for Tennessee with one baby and came back with another. What a growing month! You were already crawling, but now you are racing. You were occasionally pulling up on the crib, couch, etc. Now- you pull up on everything in site! and all the time!! Though we´ve been trying to master the art of clapping, you´ve decided to focus your hand skills on the wave. And it´s super cute to watch you wave backwards, when you´re playing or at any old time you please. The most common sounds these days- ma ma ma, my ma ma, over and over. Lovin´ it. You went to the beach for the first time. I loved watching you explore the sand and daddy was fine until you rubbed it in your eye.  You like splashing in the water. You love your food- any food will do. And the more people the merrier- but there is no one who can entertain you more than your cousin Addie. You adore her and she adores you. You two will be great buddies. Though you eat like a horse, you haven´t gained an ounce- still at 19.6lbs- must be all that standing and crawling. You are always on the move. Lucky for us, you sleep 11-12 hrs a night and are napping 3 times a day for 30min. You are 2 feet 3.5 inches tall. Everyone in Spain calls you "la rubia", the blonde- but I´d say you´re more of a blondish brown with blueish greyish kinda greenish color eyes. Either way you are the most wonderful little baby to have around- happy and content 99% of the time!

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